"G"'s Biography:
“G” is the founder and president of TST (Technicians Service Training and is recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency as one of the foremost OBD II experts, technicians, and trainers in the country.
“G” has achieved too many awards, and has too many certifications to announce here, otherwise we would be taking up the entire Lunch & Learn time today.
G Truglia National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification, won a golden wrench award and is one of 1900 ever to be certified as a "World Class Technician".
Technicians Service Training (TST) was spun off from the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) automotive technician service group, Service Technicians Society (STS). When SAE shut down their affiliate STS, "G" Jerry Truglia felt there was a void in providing information to technicians for a reasonable price. G and former STS board member Pierre Respaut shared a common interest in keeping technicians updated on today’s technology. They formed TST, a 501(c)(3) educational non profit organization that functions as a “not-for-profit” organization, to help fellow technicians and shop owners by sharing their knowledge.
National Trainer, ASE World Class, Master: Auto, Truck, School Bus, L1, L3, CNG and…
ATTP Master Instructor, New York State, CT and New Jersey
STS (Service Technician Society) 2003 President
TST (Technicians Service Training) Founder and President
Author / Co Author/ Technical adviser on 25 plus books including
OBD II and Mode 6, and Understanding and Diagnosing Hybrid Vehicles
Published articles for multiple newsletters, and magazines
Picked as one of the Top Instructors in the country by EPA & SAE
Numerous Radio, TV, Internet, and SAE Video appearances
PTEN, MotorAge and TST Webcast Instructor
Motor Magazine Top 20 award winner
Provider of OBD II Training for 13 states, Ontario Canada and the US EPA
Guest speaker at SAE Congress, IM Solutions and Clean Air Conference
Company Website: http://www.tstseminars.org